Our Services
From earth retention and shoring to foundation piling; slope stabilisation to specialist marine piling and retaining walls – BRC Piling & Foundations offer clients a wide range of proven geotechnical services across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, as well as interstate. Whether it’s temporary or permanent structural support systems, challenging subsurface soil conditions, or restricted site access and adjacent structure protection – we pride ourselves on the capability to deliver on time, on budget and without incident.
Why BRC Piling & Foundations?
We are a trusted contractor for the delivery of specialist piling and foundation works to support commercial, public infrastructure, industrial and mining projects across Victoria.
Capability Statement
Established in Victoria since 1988, BRC operates Australia wide with offices in Melbourne and Brisbane.
Want to know more? Download our capability statement.

Request A Quote
BRC Piling & Foundations refuse to accept anything but the very best we can give to a client and their project or site-specific requirements. Speak to one of our team today.